Columbus, Georgia is a small city with a vibrant personality that often flies under the radar. The town is known for its artsy energy and a lively food scene. Surrounded by an expansive river system and rolling hills, the area has become an ideal locale for families and young professionals who enjoy outdoor experiences. If you are looking to settle in Columbus or seeking to sell the home you already own, you’ll want to find a Realtor® in Columbus that will work hard to exceed your expectations. While the town itself is small, homes in Columbus saw a 15.3% rise in home values, according to Zillow’s comprised annual data. A truly great Realtor® will help you take full advantage of the strong home values in the area. You can utilize these steps to find the perfect agent for you!
Use a Data-First Approach
When you start your search for a real estate agent you will quickly find that the number of Realtors® may seem endless. It is often difficult for people to determine who is actually a stellar agent and who just has an aggressive marketing approach. The best way to make sure you commit to partnering with an agent that will really show up for you is to use a data-first approach to selecting an agent. Effective Agents is a website that uses a data-first algorithm that will provide you with a list of the best performing realtors® in the area. This list will contain realtors® that have succeeded in working with clients that have similar needs as far as buying a new home or selling an existing home. Additionally, you can opt to have these top agents contact you directly via phone or email, saving you precious time.
Inquire About Awards and Advanced Training
Real estate agents love awards. It’s no secret that Realtors® are competitive people who strive to be recognized within their field. An excellent way to determine if you have a Realtor® that will work hard for you is to inquire about the professional awards and accreditations they have received in recent years. There are a great number of honors available in the real estate industry, meaning a great agent will have accumulated a good deal of recognition. Additionally, ask any potential agents about advanced training courses or certifications they have achieved. For example, many agents are now delving into the world of smart home technology. Don’t feel shy about asking these questions, a truly great agent will be more than happy to share their professional accolades with you. After all, they worked hard to earn that recognition!
Double-Check State License
Finally, before you sign off on working with a real estate agent, verify that they are licensed in the state of Georgia and that their license is current. Taking this for granted can cause major holdups down the line. All of this information is available on your state’s licensing website for Realtors®. Simply search on their name to find all of this information. This search will also show if that agent has had any disciplinary issues within the past several years.
Find more housing in Columbus and other real estate news by registering on 706area, your free guide to the Columbus area.